One Bright Ray Community High School

On January 5, 2016, Penny Dwyer and John Connors, Penn Treaty Museum Board members,  gave a presentation at One Bright Ray Community High School in Philadelphia. History teacher Carlos Aponte assembled two of his history classes (approximately 35 students) so that they could learn more about the historical context of...

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William Penn’s Treaty with the Indians at Shackamaxon

Written by Kenneth W. Milano Dec. 1, 2015, posted to This month we cel­eb­rated the 333rd An­niversary of Wil­li­am Penn’s Treaty with the Nat­ive Amer­ic­ans at Shack­amax­on (Penn Treaty Park), but just when did Penn’s Treaty ac­tu­ally take place? Wil­li­am Penn’s mem­or­able treaty with Taman­end and oth­er Delaware chiefs...

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Simcoe Day – August 3rd, 2015

John Graves Simcoe may have a special day in Toronto but he has a very special place in the hearts of those who know the story of Penn’s Treaty with the Indians. During the American Revolution, Lt. Col. Simcoe and the Queen’s Rangers found themselves at redoubt #1 along the...

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Condo Construction Falls onto Museum

By Aubrey Whelan INQUIRER STAFF WRITER, Philadelphia Inquirer As a destructive storm howled through Philadelphia Tuesday night, John Connors’ phone started to buzz with text messages from his neighbors. There were condos under construction next to the small, squat building Connors owns on East Allen Street in Fishtown, and in the high...

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A Letter Written by Governor Wolf

  Roberts Vaux esq.                                                                               Harrisburgh March 10, 1830               I owe you an apology for having so long delayed my acknowledgment of the receipt of your esteemed favor of the 9th of December last and of the small box made of a fragment of the Great Tree under the...

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